OUR Impact
To evaluate the impact of the New Leaf project, we used scientifically validated measures to track participant outcomes for 12 months. Participants completed questionnaires at 1 month and then every 3 months.
To better understand individual experiences, participants also completed open-ended qualitative interviews after 6 and 12 months.
“I got to buy Christmas presents for my family. I’ve never been able to do that so I got to really show them that I do care and I do try.”
Study Participants
In total, 115 participants were randomly assigned to a “cash-recipient” and a “non-cash recipient” group
Participants completed questionnaires at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months and completed open-ended qualitative interviews after 6 and 12 months
The average age of participants was 42 (range 19 to 64)
60% men, 40% women
1/3 had children
Participants had been homeless for an average of 6 months
1 in 4 participants were employed
Fact 1: Cash recipients moved into stable housing faster than non-cash participants and overall, spent fewer days homeless.
Why it matters: Moving into housing provides stability, reduces the risk of trauma, improves health, and frees up shelter beds for others in need.
For the cash group, days homeless dropped from 77% to 49% in the first month
For the non-cash group, days homeless increased from 64% to 78%
The cash group spent 4,396 fewer nights homeless over 12 months
On average, cash recipients moved into stable housing in 3 months (96 days) while participants who did not receive the transfer, moved into stable housing after an average of 5 months (144 days)
Fact 1: Cash transfer recipients prioritized and increased spending on recurring staples like housing/rent, food, transportation, and utility bills.
Why it matters: Cash transfers provided choice and enabled people to buy more goods, helping them meet their basic needs. Counter to some stereotypes, participants spent their money on essential items.
Data: On average, cash recipients spent 52% of their budget on food and rent, 15% on “other” items such as medications and bills, and 16% on clothes and transportation.
Fact 2: Cash recipients increased spending on one-time purchases of household items, such as furniture, computers, bikes, and vehicles.
Why it matters: A direct cash transfer empowers individuals with dignity and provides the choice to make spending decisions that best suit their needs.
Data: Cash recipients spent an additional $700 on one-time household items during the first 3 months, compared to non-cash participants.
Money Management
Fact: Individuals spent their cash over time, not all at once.
Why it matters: Money management challenges assumptions that cash recipients will spend impulsively
After 1 month, cash recipients have an additional $4,000 in savings
Cash recipients retain an additional $1,000 of the $7,500 cash transfer through 12 months
Fact: For those who received the cash, food security* increased in the first month and remained steady over time
Why it matters: Food security is critical for health and well-being
67% of cash recipients were food secure after 1 month, an increase of 37 percentage points from baseline
The non-cash group only increased 2 percentage points during the same period
Cash recipients maintained greater food security across the full 12 months
*Food secure means having consistent access to food (e.g. three meals a day). Severely food insecure means frequently eating smaller meals or fewer meals, or not having consistent access to food (e.g. one meal a day or less)
Fact: There was a 39% reduction in spending of goods such as alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
Why it matters: The reduction of spending on these goods challenges the widespread misperception that people in poverty will misuse cash funds
Cost Benefit
Fact: By spending fewer nights in shelters, the cash group saved the shelter system approximately $8,100 per person for a total of roughly $405,000 over one year. Factoring in the cost of the cash transfer, that’s a savings of $600 per person for society.
Why it matters: The cost savings to the shelter system pays off the cost of the cash transfer after just 12 months. Overall, cash transfers save money, making them a powerful tool to combat homelessness.
Cash recipients saved a total of $17,571 compared to their baseline shelter use
Non-cash participants only saved $9,399 compared to their baseline shelter use
In total, cash recipients saved an additional $8,172 compared to non-cash participants
The crisis in homelessness is growing in Canada and impacts every part of a person’s life.
On any given night, 35,000 Canadians are homeless1
235,000 Canadians experience homelessness for some portion of time each year2
British Columbia has about 7,600 people who are homeless3
The average life expectancy among people experiencing homelessness is about 17.5 years less than for the general population4
The average cost of social and health services for individuals who are homeless is around $55,000 per person, per year5
Homeless Hub, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in Canada 2016, https://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/attachments/SOHC16_final_20Oct2016.pdf
Homeless Hub, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in Canada 2016, https://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/attachments/SOHC16_final_20Oct2016.pdf
2018 report on Homeless count B.C- https://hsa-bc.ca/2018-homeless-count.html
Mortality among the homeless: Causes and meteorological relationships https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5739436/
Costs of services for homeless people with mental illness in 5 Canadian cities: a large prospective follow-up study- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28724726/
The New Leaf Project
A bold social research program, in which we provided direct cash transfers to individuals, to empower them to move beyond homelessness
The Direct Giving Model
A one-time cash transfer for someone living in poverty that can be spent according to individual needs
The Research
With UBC, we launched a pilot project to rigorously evaluate the impact of direct cash transfers to recently homeless individuals

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